Japan Spring Trip 2018 : Jakarta to Osaka

Finally, I am back after so many years.... Well, work can be pretty nasty sometimes that It hold you back from the world. So, after dealing with my job for almost two years I finally have enough save to realize my dream travelling abroad. Last fall in 2017 I actually spent a good seven days vacation in Seoul but I haven't made any entry about it eventough it was funtastic. Let me finish this Japan series first before ellaborating my story about being in "Oppa" land. This spring trip was actually an unplanned one. After seeing the beauty of Seoul I planned to get back there in fall or winter but thanks to my seniors at the hospital I was hypnotized to buy return ticket Jakarta-Osaka-Jakarta worted 4.5 millions rupiah by Air Asia. This my beloved readers didn't come without any consequences. When I came out to my dad about this fact (the ticket) he was quite upset so I had no choice but promised him for not travelling abroad again before ...